New Bioplastics are In Our Lives

New Bioplastics are In Our Lives

New Bioplastics are In Our Lives

New Bioplastics are In Our Lives

While plastic materials are being consumed in every aspect of our lives, the concept of bioplastics is quickly mentioned by its name. The benefits of plastic packaging make our lives so easy. Bags, storage cups, bottles, medical products, surgical materials and disposable product applications are among our habits.

However, research based on nature's protection, new resource search and conscious resource consumption has developed bioplastics. As traditional plastics, such as many other substances, take many years to unravel in nature, their rapid consumption creates serious environmental threats. In recent years, global warming, declining oil reserves and rising prices have increased the trend toward alternative energy sources. As the consumption rate grew more and more, the environment-friendly materials, which could be rebuilt, began to be demanded in the industry. Bioplastics from renewable biomass are becoming a major focus of interest today and are faced with potential environmentally responsible solutions.

Bio-based plastics can be fragmented into biomass, becoming part of the soil again, and can replace other plastic materials with the allure of plant-based 'sustainable packaging'. Traditional plastics are derived from the processing of fossil sources, while the construction of bioplastics is derived from natural sources, biomolimers. Oil products and recycling that contain oil in this sense separate from centuries of plastic. The bioplastics vary in their own way. There are mainly hydrobiotic plastics (biodegradable), which are produced from starch, derived from the source food scrap (corn cob, banana peel) for its raw material, and oxobiotic plastics (biodegradable) that can be quickly degraded by oil-based but special additives. The bioplastics have a great advantage in the width of the resources to meet its raw material. The cotton handle is a source for bioplastics by evaluating agricultural waste substances such as corncobs. Tons of plastic are waiting to dissolve in nature and pollute our environment with waste, while bioplastics are moving toward becoming a very important alternative. While biotechnics can be recycled more easily, achieved with less workforce and energy, the disadvantages of oil-based products drive the packaging industry to change. The question marks for durability, cost and efficiency in recycling, which are the obstacle to their widespread use, are also expected to be answered by authorities.

It is possible to say that time for bioplastics is still early. Although it is an expensive choice for now, it is not possible for bioplastics to meet all of the needs, given that not all agricultural areas can respond to this demand. But biotechnology is a smart, green, conscious choice. As an alternative to petroleum-based plastics, it provides a basic solution to growing environmental pollution problems. The worry of our future is energy safety, price hikes and environmental consumption perception, which will soon become a trend for the use of bioplastics. With innovative bio-degrading and fertilizer plastics, waste problems and dependency on limited oil sources will decrease, and the packaging industry will take a major step toward environmental awareness.